
I have a pregnant client.  

She is quite amazing.  

She wants to nourish her growing baby and make sure her body is a tip-top environment for her unborn child, by eating non-processed, genuinely health-giving real foods.

Whilst most of her pregnancy cravings are for great foods like leafy green vegetables and high quality protein, occasionally she NEEDS sticky toffy pudding!

This blog is for her and anyone else who wants to feed their cravings with healthier alternatives.

Since eating non-processed foods, increasing her consumption of fresh vegetables and lean protein, cutting out sugar and flour and reducing (but not eliminating) her intake of starchy carbs, my client's blood test results during her pregnancy so far have been excellent (better than her 3 previous pregnancies when she wasn't eating like this) - showing a high platelets count indicating great iron levels - essential for a healthy foetus! 

Midwives and consultants keep asking her what she eats because her blood test results are so great!

I hope she won't mind me sharing the fact that she is considered a geriatric mother (!) being that she recently turned 40.  (You would never believe it to look at her!) 

Despite being pregnant at 40 and running around after a toddler and two teenage kids, her excellent nutrition means she isn't suffering from that typical first trimester exhaustion and she feels fit and full of energy!

If you would like a bit of what she's got, try replacing some of your naughty snacks and treats with these healthy alternatives that will nourish you and your unborn child as well as giving you slow-release energy without a sugar crash!

For more recipes, have a look at 

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